Scot Faulkner

"The "Advise and Consent" of our generation."

"His narrative grabs hold of the reader and never lets go. It is a real page turner!"

"A political classic."

"The best book on Congress - ever."

"It will fundamentally change your view of politicians and our government."

"The Naked Emperors should be required reading in every civics and government class in America."


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CAO Member Orientation

CAO Promo

Faulkner's Response to the Audit, December 2, 1996

CAO Customer Survey, September 17, 1996

CAO Employee Awards, June 1996

Faulkner's Critique of the Oversight Committee, February 16, 1996

CAO Newsletters:


Commencement speech, University of Buffalo Dental School, May 6, 2009

"Smooth Transition", The Washington Times, August 12, 2008

"Republicans in freefall", The Washington Times, June 3, 2008

"Political Hams and Hotdogs", The Washington Times, August 8, 2007

Building A Better Budget, Washington Times, February 5, 2007

Blogging Our Way To Real Democracy, Washington Times, January 1, 2007

"The Way to Keep the House", The New York Times, December 23, 2006

"Auditing Business Performance", ACORD Magazine (Independent Insurance Agents of America), November 1994.

"Continuous Improvement in Conferences; How outcomes teams are helping national education reform", Quality Progress Magazine, September 1994.

"N'Etiquette", American Management Association 1999.

"Shared Services and Office Support", American Management Association 1999.

"Changing the System; Institutional Change in the U.S. House of Representatives", International Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, Wroxton College, Oxfordshire, UK August 1996.


"New House Members Get On-Line Aid", New York Times, November 10, 1996.

"Chief officer gets the House in order", USA Today, September 30, 1996

"Quality and Customer Focus Revives, Streamlines 'Worst-Run' Organizations", The Lakewood Report on Positive Employee Practices, July 1996.

"Faulkner Cleans House", CNN, June 25, 1996.

"When the House Becomes a Hyatt", New York Times, June 23, 1996.

"House Applies Business Practices", International Herald Tribune, June 19, 1996.

"House Has Gotten Itself in Order", New York Times, June 18, 1996.

"The Republican House-Cleaning", Investor's Business Daily, March 26, 1996.

"Congress: Ready or not? Legislators learn to comply with workplace laws", HR News, January 1996.

"Tightening Up House Operations" Congressional Quarterly, November 2, 1995.


Home Office Computing: An Offer They Can't Refuse

Safety Online News for safety professionals, Safety Online, January 10, 2000

Top Executives Rank Attracting and Serving Customers As Most Important Aspect of E-Business

Majority of U.S. Corporations Provide No Support for Teleworking Employees

USA Today (Magazine): Inside Congress. (book reviews)

Lawrence Admissions for Prospective Government Students


Coming Soon...

February 2008

Naked Emperors explains in sharp detail how the historic congressional election of 1994 utterly failed to live up to the promise of the Republican Revolution and its Contract for America. The book provides vivid insights into how a culture of corruption festers in Washington, and lays out a blueprint for how normal citizens can make government accountable even in the face of entrenched special interests.